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梅湘斑斕的默想 Messiaen's Colourful Gazes

梅湘斑斕的默想 Messiaen's Colourful Gazes

「薄暮樂敘」示範講座 'Around Twilight' Lecture Demonstration (粵語主講 In Cantonese) 吳宇晴/鋼琴 Shelley Ng, piano 陳慶恩教授/主持 Prof. Chan Hing-yan, host 梅湘於1944年發表的《聖嬰二十默想》是20世紀鋼琴獨奏曲目中的經典。這套史詩般的作品是他對基督降臨的二十個默想,也是理解這位法國巨擎的作曲技巧的完美範例。是次「薄暮樂敍」將重點討論構建《聖嬰二十默想》的三個獨特主題中的「上帝主題」。才華橫溢的本地年輕鋼琴家吳宇晴將娓娓道來梅湘如何糅合數字學、天主教象徵符號、印度和希臘節奏,成就其別樹一幟的音樂語言,帶領觀眾一窺這首傑作的堂奧。 Olivier Messiaen's 1944 Vingt regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus is a classic in the 20th-century piano solo repertoire. Cast in twenty contemplations on the infant Jesus, the epic set represents a perfect ground for understanding Messiaen's compositional techniques. This lecture-demonstration will focus on the Thème de Dieu (Theme of God), one of the three distinctive themes around which Vingt regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus is constructed. Talented local young pianist Shelley Ng will lead audience into a glimpse of this tour-de-force against a background of the cycle's indebtedness to numerology, Catholic symbolism, Indian and Greek rhythms, while exploring Messiaen's idiosyncratic musical language. | PROGRAMME | MESSIAEN  Vingt regards sur l’Enfant-Jésus 00:17-07:08 XI. Première Communion de la Vierge 36:34-47:25 XV. Le Baiser de l'Enfant
Dal Niente Lachenmann - Concert

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